Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Reichstag!!!

Today we went on a tour of the Reichstag, which was magnificent!  I learned a great deal about the German parliament - and refreshed some of that textbook knowledge I'd forgotten!  They have an incredibly interesting system of government, about which I could ramble on and on, but I'm sure not all of you are as interested in that as I am!! :)

For my Blocker project, I've already gone through and edited some photosI took at the Reichstag today.  I wrote in extensive captions that describe the interesting details that our guide shared with us about the history and renovation of the building.  Because that took so much time and I don't have time to re-post the same thing word-for-word here, I will have to ask that you take one extra click and view what I have already written (for the technologically dis-inclined, don't worry, this is simple!).

Simply click on this link right here.  Next, click the photo that's first in line on the top row of those photos.  Then just look at each photo and read each caption!!!  
And if you're interested, you can check out all the other parts of my projects listed my Flickr page.

You may want proof that I'm actually doing these fun things here in Berlin, so here are a couple pictures of me (since I will not be putting photos of myself in my Blocker portfolio on Flickr).

Bundling up at the Brandenburger Tor - it's so cold here, that's why I look like a burnt marshmallow!
In the Reichstag!!! Such a difference from all my days in the US Captiol building! 

On top of the Reichstag after going up the Kruppel! 

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