Saturday, January 21, 2012

Studying abroad is like a marathon.

You only have so many hours in the day, but you need to do the essentials (study, go to class, sleep, eat, and commute) but there are also other non-essential things that you have to do if you want to enjoy yourself and learn about the culture (explore somewhere unknown, go shopping, go sight seeing, go out for a drink at night to be social even though you want to sleep, make travel plans, see other places in Germany, see other places in Europe, spend time with your host mom, go to Sonntagsbrunch, go to church, do the Blocker project).
I think this semester will be one of me trying to succeed in 'my marathon' - by doing as many and as much of those as possible while still getting enough sleep to keep going for 5 months.

Challenge accepted!!!

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