Saturday, January 21, 2012


Thursday we went to the Deutsches Historisches Museum, and yesterday we went to the little town of Wittenberg, where Martin Luther lived and posted his 95 Theses.  The town, its history, and its museums were absolutely amazing and we learned SO much.  It was Definitely the most culturing day I've had in my life.  Later that night when I returned home the culturing continued, as my host mom invited me to a party for her Verein (I'll explain later what that is) so we went dancing with her, which was so much fun.

I have a lot of exploring to do today and tomorrow and didn't come to Germany to sit on my computer and blog/edit photos all day, so I probably won't get to editing or posting on this blog until Sunday night or so.

Things on the agenda this weekend:
- Fashion Week Berlin
- Eating Currywurst
- Vintage shopping
- Sunday Flea Markets - tres populaire in Berlin
- And of course, going to Hillsong Church on Sunday evening :)

Have a great weekend!

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